***Attention!*** BassRift has just been released. Save 81% on the electronic bass lines energizer.

€£ectric Ca$h

Create an Electrum video and earn credit for new plugins


Have you fallen in love with Electrum or are you still testing? Until the end of August, you may earn some Credits to buy more plugins. 

Monetize your passion - €arn up to €40

No matter if you have the license for Electrum or if you are just enjoying the 15-days fully working trial version you may use Electrum to get more plugins. All you have to do is to play around and create a Youtube video containing Electrum. It may be anything - just a screencast of a performance including Electrum, a tutorial, a video of your studio performance, a tip, a trick, a review. Record it and send us a link (and a bit of info about yourself) using the form on this page. We will promote the video on our social channels and contact you. 

You may get a free Electrum license or 40€ worth credit to your account. 

Time/Licenses limited

Hurry up. The event runs only until the end of August. And we have only 100 prizes to give out ;).